It cannot be stressed enough! To hire a digital marketer means a safe way of running an online business. You get a plethora of opportunities to take your business and flourish it in multiple ways, so much so that it might be very much possible to get on to new dimensions of the business marketing world. When it comes to online, we root to expect the unexpected.

The business field is not everyone’s cup of tea and to maintain consistent sales takes the same amount of work and time as it takes for that bottle of well-preserved wine. To savor the taste, one must wait for the grapes to ripe and then the bottle to cure for a year, is not it? In the same way, think of the digital marketing world. To reap the benefits of digital marketing, one must have the calmness to wait through the process.


Let’s cut the chase and put it straight. If you think that you can handle the online marketing of your business without expert help, the success rate is going to be bleak. No matter how much you read online or try a few tips and tricks, you may achieve some percent of success, but it most likely will not stay consistent. Why? To put it straight, because it takes a strenuous effort and time that demands 24/7 activeness. For someone who is running a business, deputing hours and hours for online marketing doesn’t seem that convenient, and often it will become laborious to catch up with the pace and keep one updated with the new trending marketing styles. So, the solution lies in hiring a digital marketer who is up in the game and has the cleverness to understand the business needs quickly and formulate strategies accordingly that would start reaping the results as early as possible.

You will need a digital marketer as they have the expertise and knowledge that is required to prosper online. They are trained in the field, and they know well how to combine the analytics of the business with the social aspect, combining the two perfectly to present the product to the audience to fetch leads, which means to increase sales.


• Establishing business reputation:

As much as you focus on business reputation when you are creating a physical office, the same applies to the online world as well. In fact, online reputation can have a direct impact on your physical office and its working locally. The survey statistics show that 90 percent of the people who are interested in buying a product or getting a service, browse online to check the nearby companies and the reputation it holds before buying. So, it is only logical that one works thoroughly on establishing an online business reputation.

• Engaging customers:

Digital marketing revolves around engaging customers where every move and every strategy applied is in line to engage and rope in customer attention. So if you have a digital marketer who well understands your business and has the experience that it takes to strive in the online business, you will be able to engage customers far more quickly than you might anticipate.

• Positive influence on market:

For any business to have a positive influence stands as a priority. It is very easy to spread the word online, and that is why to care for the negative publicity becomes quite concerning. So, if you have a digital marketer, he will be able to check such negative propagation if need be and ensure that the positive word spreads. The online world is tricky, and in an instant, the game can change. As quick as the sales can go up, it can come down too, twice as quickly if the strategies are not adequate with the changing needs, and if a business loses its influence.

• Updates strategies with changing trends:

Now because it is the job of a digital marketer, he will, from time to time, update his strategies, which an inexperienced person will not be able to trace that easily. It is like a world full of codes where you don’t know which code will work with what function. You will be in a maze trying to get out of it as soon as possible only to realize that the maze will get even denser with each move that you take. There is a reason why experts are preferred because what can pass under your naked eye cannot go unnoticed by a professional in the field.

• Keeping you ahead of the game:

As your business will progress, so will the business needs. Change is part of life and every sphere demand change irrespective. As your business start to enter the lead and comes in the eyes of competitors, you will need to up your game even more aggressively. A digital marketer can help you stay ahead of the game where you can stay relaxed while the marketer does the hard work. While you focus on developing your business prospects, the digital marketer will help in popularizing the new spheres you touch along the way so that the customers stay engaged, the sales increase, the business gets known in the right way and you make the profit as intended.


To put it precisely without entangling you much in the abstruse digital marketing world, understand the need of the hour that your business demands. You cannot run an online business without a digital marketer. Thousands of businesses step online each day, the competition is getting tougher by the second, and staying slow is not going to help you reach the level that you expect. 

Taking business online opens new doors for you that you can only open if you have the right keys, or else it will be like standing outside the door knocking for someone to open. There is no time to wait! Digital marketing starts right away when the business gets launched online. From social media to creating both brand awareness and brand identity is not a one-day job but takes time and effort. So sooner you start, the better it will be for your business.

Digital Marketing is that powerful way that helps one to promote a business effectively, quickly and with skyrocketing results online. For an entrepreneur, it is vital to understand the wonders that Digital Marketing can bring in flourishing the business with right strategies and techniques. Digital Marketing includes both online and offline modes i.e. the Marketing through digital media and traditional media as well which includes Television Advertisements, Radio Broadcasting, Billboards, and Brochures.

Everyone is aware of the benefits that Digital Marketing holds for the business to flourish in its full bloom but only few can accomplish this as there is required a set of strategies and tactics that a Digital Advertising Business Companies can best help you with.

Tactics to follow in 2021:

Target YouTube:

You have to have a YouTube channel to promote your business. Try and make interactive videos. You can see how other businesses are showcasing them and take an idea from it. It is always clever if you make your videos funny and catchy for the viewer to hold on to otherwise people will lose interest and it won’t be of any use. YouTube is also the fastest way to introduce new products and maybe do some Q & A with people and go Live once in a while. This helps in building a long relationship with customers, thereby increasing the sales considerably.

Promotion on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn:

60 to 70 percent of the world population today is active on social media networking websites and the sites that are on the top of the list are Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. The business is only going to get good leads and customers if people know about it. Your main aim should be to create a healthy Brand Reputation, to come in the limelight! Once you accomplish that rest of the things becomes fairly easy.

Marketing through Blogging:

Websites are must and if you do not have one, now is the time to invest. A website is one of the beneficial channels with which you can aware people about your company and its products much faster and create credibility and brand awareness. People would want to know more about you if they are interested in the product that you are selling. Here you can earn that little bit extra by using the PPC service i.e. Pay Per Click. When the user is reading and clicks on the related advertisement your company will earn the added revenue from it.

Content Creation should be sharp, easy to read, comprehensible and well written so that people can get a fair idea of what the product is all about. People don’t have time to waste on something they know. They are curious and the more precise and apt you are the better it would be.

Email marketing, Online Newsletters and more:

Yes, you heard it right. This marketing style is should not be ignored as it is back in trend in 2021. When there is an automated email sent to the people who subscribe or register with you, they keep getting notifications on the products and various related things. People tend to get back to your website as they get intimidated by it. This is the best way to not only increase traffic on the website but to incur more and more selling for stable and positive business growth.

Advertisement through television, radios, etc:

This is part of the traditional marketing method but if your business is growing well online then you may not need it. But, it is always advised to hit the television, newspapers and radio channels to spread the word on a larger scale as audiences by watching the ads gets influenced much more than by reading about it. Visual Aids have impact higher than any known function and this is psychologically proven. So if you want to promote your business and earn great revenues you must go for television advertisements, it is a quick, sharp and clever way of promoting business.

Radio announcements are also an effective way. Through radio, you are creating awareness for your business and this move should be incorporated in the initial stages of business promotion.

Mobile Marketing, SMS and M-Commerce:

Marketing through SMS is still a great way of promoting one’s business. For everything, there is a copy of a message that gets delivered. You make a bank transaction you receive a message, pay the bill, use credit/debit card, etc. you get an SMS. Automated Messages is must in order to keep the customers hooked to what your Business is up to. In order to lure the customers in this is a great way of getting marketing done quite brilliantly as people are always on phones which have become an essential part of our lives.

Some of the tactics mentioned above can sound outdated but they have carved their way back again in the digital marketing industry. You should be afraid of getting experienced help because you wouldn’t want to risk or jeopardize your business online reputation. Your product quality is the first and foremost factor for determining the quality and establishing trust among the people but it also requires expertise in promoting your business cleverly online in order to build Brand Identity.

Digital Advertising has helped numerous small scale businesses to rise up and make a mark and set a benchmark in the business industry. You may own a big or small company, a clothing brand or footwear, maybe you are stepping in to start up a business and are on an initial stage, you may be an entrepreneur trying to have a way and get into the market of sharks, don’t worry just deal with what you have and do not hesitate to experiment.

Go for the best and do what feels right! There is no one formula. You learn while you grow and that is how one should be playing this game. Do not hesitate to take risks but keep backup plans so that if you miss a little, you can fall back on the track and get going in other ways ahead.

The Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) stands vital to promote a Business that is running locally as a shop, store or a Business Entity that includes marketing of services through a physical office. As the world is changing and the Internet has been a great source of opportunities, there are now two types of work environments that have evolved. One is a physical office and second, a virtual office. According to the Business needs one can enter any of the two or both of the types to popularize, increase and create a Brand Identity to incur remunerative benefits.

Today, it is imperative that a Business must invest with online marketing strategies for creating awareness and name that the people can trust and rely. The more the people will know about the Business, the better the chance for generating clientele and leads. Every Business needs a Website! It does not matter whether the Business Entity is small or large scale but if there is no website then, the chance of making potential customers will be bleak.

Can websites be called as a profitable locomote?

To have a website is not only for creating Brand Awareness or increasing sales but it can notably help in building a reputation which is imperative. One can be a shop owner, runs a bookstore, has a bistro or a restaurant, has a clinic, delivery services etc. if you want the people to know and buy your services then, a website is that gateway. It is a virtual office where people will probably visit first after which they may decide to enter your physical space. Websites set the very first impression! It makes it only logical to create it with quality content, highlighting all the features of a Business that one owns.

Today, if a Business does not have a website then, there are likely chances that people may find the services dubious and uncanny. To avoid a question mark on one’s services, one must make this little investment that can turn out to be an absolute profitable locomote in the near future.

How and why choose Local SEO?

Google reveals that about 46 per cent of Business owners are choosing Local SEO which is helping them fetch traffic on their websites. With the local intent in mind, it has helped increase sales in the market where the locals enjoy the service and help spread the word. The main aim of stepping online is to create awareness globally. But, we cannot negate the importance of hitting the local markets as that is going to help get reviews and rating which can then impact the services outside the area. The clientele will form which may or may not be local but, if there is a good local reputation then, sales will increase anyhow.

Local SEO Tactics

Google My Business!

Search Engine Optimization which is usually general in nature where on-site and off-site optimization with keyword rich content is what helps the web crawlers to index the website and bring it onto the relevant search results. But, there is a lot of competition and it is not that easy to just follow the traditional norms and expect that the Business Website will rank instantly.

Strategies need to change and Local SEO Tactics are evolving where now Google My Business (GMB) is the crux of building an online presence. It includes:

The Local Pack or 3 Pack is what one needs to create on GMB Listings that structure in such a way that from address, contact to details and websites, and all information shows correctly in the search results.

Local SEO Ranking Factors:

For the Business to show on the search results there are some ranking factors that if one takes care, then the Business will surely list in the query as soon as it is entered by the user. These include:

A Golden Rule:

“The better the Business has a reputation locally, the better the fate of a Business globally!”

Do not let go of this one Golden Rule and see how the sales will boom flooding the market, hitting the competitors and gaining popularity at unimaginable levels.


Voice Search as the name speaks for itself; it is a search that is conducted by your voice. There is a lot of flair that is spicing up the Digital Marketing Experts triggering them to believe that by 2020 about 50% of the global audience will be relying on Voice Search. 

Well, that is what the fun about predicting the future is!

Voice Search first released in 2012 by Google have been modifying ever since where today Google aims it to be an “Answering Engine” different from the already existing “Search Engine” algorithms. Google Now, has been gaining a lot of popularity where now it allows iOS users to use Google Voice as well. Experts say that the Google Voice Search works even better than the apples own Siri! How cool is that?

We are all here to explain you the new evolving concept of Voice Search and Smart Speakers (Alexa, Google Home, and Echo) which is becoming the next big internet of things!

Let’s get to the Statistics!

Google claims that 41% of the adults and 55% of teens are using Voice search today. 

65% of users globally are using their smartphones and out of which 20% of searches are through Google Now!

People using Windows 10 Desktop are using Voice Search as well and, the data shows that about 25% of the searches are via Voice. So it is not just smartphone users or other mobile devices the desktop users are getting hold of the Google Now feature too.

Talking about search engines alone then whether it is Bing or Yahoo, a significant change in the percentage of Voice Searches is taking over the statistical charts where the ratio stands between 10% – 25%, which is shockingly surprising.

Now, here is the Bummer! Google Home and Amazon Echo users are have grown habitual to the devices so much where 65% people say that they can’t go back to the typing search as the Voice has made their lives so easy.

Voice Search is revolutionising the Search Queries

Now that we have had a better taste, the traditional typing search query though will not diminish but, there are likely chances that people will rely on Voice Search more. From the User Experience point of view, it is easier to use voice than to open the device and type it in. 

But, the question here is how to optimise website content that it pop-ups whenever there is a relevant search query done by the user.

Understand the below key points:

The typing search is usually shorter where the user would want to write in short phrases or keywords and basically would wait for Google suggestions to show up. We as humans have the tendency to curb and escape even the little work if it is not exciting. We all know how typing can at times frustrate one when we search for something but it shows something else most commonly due to a typo mistake (Ergh..).

To write whole sentences in the search box is illogical so short phrases, relying on Google suggestions or typing in just a word which solves the problem and shows the result quicker is what we are going to do. But, with Voice Search the work has become even easier where one can multitask without hindering whatever that one is busy in.

For example, you are cooking and have a phone call to make. Just call by the name and voila, you did not even have to pick your smartphone and the call connected!

This is just one of the examples; you can conduct multiple searches, ask Google for direction without stopping in the middle of the road, get answers quickly and so much more. It is how the way you use the Google Now or smart speakers like Google Home, Alexa etc. and make them a part of your life.

So, how to optimise the content?

Conversational Texts! Here, is your answer!

You need to publish website content that is more in human form and not in computer language. To understand it better, focus on the traditions typing search and think how one would search using voice.

For example:  “best carrot cake recipe” – Typing Search

              “How can I cook the best carrot cake quickly?” – Voice Search

Voice search has a more conversational tone to it and, the phrases are longer. One of the reasons for its popularity is also that it is 3.5 times faster than the typing search, A user will not write a full phrase while typing in the search box but, because Voice Search is easy shows results quick, users will let go of the confusion and directly speak what their mind tells.

So the key lies in optimising the web content which is more in a conversational form. Add a FAQ Page to the website is one of the best ways for Google to fetch in your website results. As Google is changing to becomes an “Answering Engine”, as soon as the user hits with a query the Google Speaks the most apt result which lists in the “Feature Snippet”.

Optimise content by adding a Feature Snippet on every page. There are a lot more likely chances for Google to index and feature your page by listing a few of the important things. Use question-answer content form and make the articles longer by adding keyword phrases in discussion form. 

Is there any difference in the search results for typing or voice search?

Experts say that there is no difference at all as in both cases; the results are going to be the same. But, in case of devices and smart speakers where users rely on listening to the direct answers; how your content will feature depends on how your content speaks from the user perspective. You can conduct multiple searches and see that there is no difference at all.

For example: Whether one searches for “carrot cake” or “which is the best carrot cake recipe”, the search results are exactly going to be the same!

So, this also means that the competition is going to rise in order to rank one’s page in the near future as Google Algorithms are going to focus on becoming “Answering Engine”. So add FAQs, give Meta Titles and Meta Descriptions that are keyword rich, add a feature snippet before the embedding of the content. Few steps in order to fill the little nooks and crannies can make the job easier! Experiment and see how it goes as the Voice Search is still in a transitional phase.