Why Vue JS?

VueJS has finished in the top three of developers’ polls for the past three years running as one of the most popular JavaScript frontend frameworks. But unfortunately, the new kid on the block isn’t using React JS.

VueJS has a lower learning curve and a more streamlined framework than React, making it a potential frontrunner to replace React as the most popular JavaScript library or framework.

But what accounts for its meteoric rise in popularity? First, I wondered how it stacked against the current market leader, React.

What is Vue.js?

Even if JavaScript is its animal, the environment in which it operates is far more significant than the language itself. There are fewer hiccups in the development process because of frameworks and libraries.

As an example, consider VueJS. To illustrate, think of JavaScript to be the alphabet and VueJS to be the phrasebook that helps the programmer put that alphabet to work to create meaningful dialogue.

Vue is a progressive open-source framework designed to be incrementally adoptable, as the core library is focused only around the view layer. However, with the right set of current tools and libraries, it’s more than capable of driving complex single-page applications.

VueJS was created to adopt and expand upon the most useful features of Angular. Instead of directly working with the DOM, developers choose the data binding and data-driven approach.

The development and funding of VueJS, in contrast to Facebook’s React and Google’s Angular, is supported entirely by user contributions through the website Patreon. It’s interesting to see such widespread adoption on GitHub despite not having the backing of members of the Big 4 Tech companies.

Why is it important?

Certainly, JavaScript has its benefits, but ultimately, the success or failure of a programming language depends on the context in which it is used. There is no such thing as a developer without libraries and frameworks. They simplify the process of building a solid foundation upon which to build, reducing the likelihood of future problems.

The Vue.js framework is a good example of this type of framework. If JavaScript were a language’s alphabet, Vue’s phrasebook would be the vocabulary book that made such phrases feasible. It would be essential for effective dialogue.

Vue is a lightweight, easy-to-adopt open-source framework since its main library is dedicated solely to the view layer. As a result, it will serve as a useful tool in creating cutting-edge, visually stunning standalone applications. Simultaneously, you can consult several helpful reference materials for assistance.

Vue was created as an easy-to-use, specialized Angular tool for developers. One of the reasons why so many programmers gravitate toward the toolkit is that it handles Document Object Models (DOMs) that are based on HTML in a data-driven fashion. 

These days, Angular is used for the most demanding interfaces like Facebook and Google. Vue.js, on the other hand, was developed with the help of patron funding to handle less complex jobs. The fact that it has matured and adopted GitHub in the same way that the “Big 4” technology companies did is quite remarkable.

Features of Vue JS

Modular and expandable

In particular, Vue.js’s scalability and adaptability are major strengths.

This implies it can be used for both large, modular apps and smaller, interactive components (SPAs). In each scenario, you can use a unique set of technologies.

To cut a long story short, Vue.js allows you to create almost anything you can imagine. Experiment with it for a single library or a complex framework, and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Short Learning Curve

With Vue.js, you can get started immediately, even if you lack previous experience. While familiarity with TypeScript and JSX is helpful, it is not essential to use this framework. Instead, it won’t be long before you use it to write code.

It’s ideal for users with no experience but a basic understanding of HTML and CSS. It works seamlessly with the industry’s most popular IDEs, including Atom, Vue, Visual Studio, and Sublime Text.


A single zip file of Vue weighs only a mere 18 kilobytes. This implies you may design responsive UX and that both the download and installation will be speedy. Your search engine rankings will improve as a result, of course.

Incorporates a Highly Adaptable Ecosystem

Vue is aware of the importance of having the right equipment. Because of this, it can be integrated with other resources for enhanced performance. Babel, TypeScript, and other end-to-end testing tools are only a couple of examples.

Pros of Vue JS


According to the previous point, extensive documentation where Vue.js developers may quench their appetite for knowledge about essential features, tools, and concepts is the most beneficial in understanding Vue and the development process.

Simple Combination

Vue’s ease of integration makes it a popular choice among developers because it can be utilized for new application development and adding components to pre existing projects. For this purpose, libraries have been developed to make things even less complicated.


Composition API is a new Vue 3 feature that works much to React Hooks. Since Composables can handle state management, Vuex is obsolete. Reactivity was overhauled in Vue 3, and it now passes data by reference and generates independent computed values. 

Cons of Vue JS

Language barrier

Vue’s greatest community is in China, which can cause issues regarding certain packages or research. Chinese programmers have created many Vue.js packages; the documentation for these projects is written in Chinese.

Exposure to the Dangers of Over-Adaptability

Vue offers great versatility, which offers many opportunities to employ alternative ways. However, code inconsistency is a common cause of trouble for large projects. Vue.js developers need to spend time reconciling the code in this case, as differences in approach might lead to more serious issues, such as application malfunction and difficulty entering the project’s development phase.

Fewer parts and fewer add-ons

Vue.js developers may believe there is a shortage of plugins and libraries compared to React. Most crucial ones are already included in Vue, but more specific requirements can run into issues when finding suitable libraries.

Future of Vue JS

We analysed four frameworks, of which two came on top – React and Vue.js. In our two groups, one started with React and the other with Vue.

When it became clear that Vue’s single-file components and the templating system were significantly more intuitive and productive than React’s JSX, the React client was rewritten in Vue.js to benefit both teams and contribute to the same component/pattern library.

With Vue, even backend engineers can whip up a rudimentary web page for their new API endpoint, as its components are contained within a single file and can be used the same way as HTML tags. This greatly enhances rapid prototyping and boosts productivity.

In addition, many of the apprentices on our teams are only there for half the week. They had difficulty grasping React’s syntax but found immediate success with Vue.


In conclusion, Vue.js provides a robust tool for creating user interfaces. It’s a great option for developers seeking a lightweight, highly adaptable framework for creating intuitive, user-friendly web apps, thanks to its minimal footprint and flexible configuration options. Many of Vue.js’s flaws have simple solutions, making developers believe the framework will only improve over time.

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