why mean

There is no doubt that the twenty-first century is a digital one. And you need a software stack that is both standardised and consistent with creating an application in this day and age, let alone from scratch. In addition, you need tools to speed up work and optimise resources if you want to build a strong backend.

However, other software stacks are available now, including LAMP, Ruby on Rails, and many others. The stacked field has become congested due to this oversupply. 

Because of this, many developers now combine technologies to provide better and quicker outcomes for developing mobile, web, and applications. 

What is Mean? 

MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js, collectively known as MEAN, are a group of user-friendly full-stack JavaScript frameworks. These frameworks can be used to create dynamic web pages and applications. 

It is an open-source stack designed for programmers to construct web applications with MEAN in a quick and orderly manner. 

Language is one of the main benefits of the MEAN stack. Each tier of the programme uses JavaScript, a single language. 

This significantly improves the effectiveness and modernity of the web and app development approach. 

Features of Mean

  • MongoDB’s schema design flexibility tips the scales in its favour. Even if you drop a few documents in MongoDB that are not related, everything still functions flawlessly. The strength of non-relational databases lies in this.
  • MongoDB’s power lies in its capacity to process massive unstructured data collections at breakneck rates. As a result, MongoDB is a crucial component of the MEAN stack and offers unparalleled advantages for a production database.
  • A versatile and effective Node.js framework is Express.js. Express.js is the solution if you’re seeking the ideal compromise between simplicity of use and a robust feature set.
  • Angular’s modular design makes it possible to divide the entire application into specialised parts. As a result, you can quickly spot the code fragments that can be reused, saving a tonne of time during development.
  • Lazy loading is made possible via Angular. As a result, the browser may display the data users have requested immediately rather than having to download it all at once.
  • Because of Angular’s component-based architecture, novice developers won’t have trouble understanding the application code.
  • The Angular CLI (command line interface) streamlines the app development process and improves code quality.
  • Angular’s dependency injection feature accelerates development and improves the application’s performance.
  • By reducing bundle size, the Ivy renderer significantly lightens the weight of large-scale apps.
  • With Typescript, developers can identify and fix mistakes as they happen.
  • Developers can save time using the declarative view function, which automatically loads the components according to the layout.


Pros of Mean

  • MEAN Stack enables programmers to instantly launch web apps on a server. It does not first deploy to a standalone server.
  • Developers can construct a straightforward, open-source solution using MEAN Stack. JavaScript is the sole programming language that developers must be familiar with.
  • The MEAN Stack’s components are open source. Developers can use the components for no cost to create reliable programmes and solutions.
  • Businesses profit from MEAN Stack. All of the parts are free and open-sourced. Businesses require only one JavaScript developer with a full stack.
  • A notification is also sent to developers by the automatic testing feature. The function aids in the timely correction of any flaws by developers.
  • The programming language used by MEAN Stack is JavaScript. As a result, language-savvy developers can quickly adjust to new projects and deadlines.
  • MEAN Stack offers a lot of flexibility when creating web applications. New elements can be added quickly and easily during or after development.
  • MongoDB in MEAN Stack makes it very cloud-compatible. The MongoDB solution facilitates the use of cloud features.
  • JSON, also known as JavaScript Object Notation, is a good format for storing and sending data. JSON is used by both AngularJS and NodeJS components of the MEAN stack. 

Cons of Mean

  • Large-scale applications cannot effectively use MEAN Stack as a solution.
  • Records that MongoDB has written may be lost in conditions of high load.
  • There aren’t any set standards for developing JavaScript.


Future of Mean

It takes a lot of work to become a Mean Stack Programmer, which is in high demand. As a result, you’ll be a skilled programmer of the MEAN stack if you’re prepared to work on a wide range of abilities and possess knowledge of numerous high-level programming languages and applications.

Many gasification processes access the backend, web application, database, validation, and mobile app developers. In the past, you would seek a specialisation and achieve your objectives as you gained knowledge and training. However, due to current best practices, the pattern has changed.

Attaining skill in and improving abilities in:

  • CSS, or cascading style sheets.
  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) (Hypertext Markup Language).
  • Java scripting is used.
  • Universally helpful programming languages like Python, PHP, or Ruby.
  • Systems for managing databases, such as Postgres, Oracle, or MySQL.
  • Any web server, including Apache or Nginx.
  • OS for implementation: CentOS, Linux, or FreeBSD.
  • Any revision management software, like GIT.



A web development platform called MEAN Stack can assist you in creating safe, scalable, and high-quality applications. This is the ideal answer if your company wants to grow without compromising web app performance or security. The advantages mentioned above only scratch the surface of what a business may achieve by utilising the MEAN stack in its app development initiatives. Even if a minor cost is involved in achieving this, aspects like improved app quality decreased costs, and shorter development times are unquestionably important.

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