Brand character is an assortment of visual components that makes your business remarkable and unique about different organizations. Brand personality is the thing that you, clients, and imminent clients can see and is not quite the same as the brand picture and marking, even though those terms are frequently utilized conversely. 

Brand character is the uncommon sauce that separates you from your rivals and different organizations. Brand identity consists of several visual elements, including:

  • Logo or wordmark 
  • Different logo 
  • Variations key 
  • Brand colors and color palettes 
  • Fonts typographic treatments 
  • A consistent style for images and content library of graphic elements brand style guide your visual identity on social media.

To put it plainly, the brand character is how you need your clients and possible clients to see your image, item, or administration. Brand identity design involves bringing together different visual elements to create a complementary identity system. All brand character components ought to be steady by all accounts, use, scale, shading range, feel, and so on.

A strong brand identity is essential for businesses of all sizes.

A successful brand identity is one of a company’s most valuable assets. The general worth of organizations like Apple, Coca-Cola, Nike, and others is reflected in the high worth of their image. Ramon Ray, one of the country’s top small business experts, explains:

Individuals quickly perceive a Starbucks logo or a BMW logo because those logos are reliably shown and utilized by each brand. Smaller companies may think they do not need to be consistent in their identity, but they are wrong. People recognize companies by their brand identity.

Only small businesses that think small do not worry about design and branding. Small business owners who think big, who think growth, who are concerned about scale – these business owners understand that branding is important and they invest in their brands.

Brand identity and the halo effect

A strong brand identity gives businesses a competitive advantage. For example, customers often prefer a product line because they have had good experiences with other products from that company. This is known as the “halo effect.” The corona impact is associated with brand strength and faithfulness and adds to mark value (more on this beneath). 

At the point when individuals favor your organization’s items or administrations since you have made a solid brand character, you additionally increment your image picture and increment brand mindfulness.  The corona impact assists you with building a brand and expands your mindshare (a showcasing term that portrays the degree of brand mindfulness or prominence of an item, administration, or organization). Keep in mind, regardless of whether you effectively make a brand personality or overlook it, you are extending a picture to your clients and possible clients. 

Brand character and the corona impact 

Something contrary to the radiance impact is the horn impact (named after Satan’s horns). At the point when individuals have a negative encounter, they partner that negative involvement in anything related with that specific brand. For example, this often happens when an otherwise strong brand performs poorly on social media and fails to meet customer expectations and complaints. Brand loyalty suffers.

If you want to build a brand and have a strong brand identity and image, you need to be proactive and intentional about how customers and potential customers perceive your brand and your products and services. Brand management is essential. If you take a risk with your image personality, you lose the chance to shape the discussion about your image.

brand identity

Your logo is not your brand

Some people use the word “brand” to talk about logos. But a logo is not a brand. A logo is a visual image for a business and part of its image character, yet it doesn’t address its whole image personality. A logo does not build a brand – it’s a step toward building a complete brand identity.

In other words, a designer’s job is not to create a brand. Designers design and create a brand identity. Brand development is the process of building a brand. More specifically, the building of a strong brand. A strong brand communicates what your business does and how it does it. A strong brand also builds trust and credibility with your prospects and customers.

Your company’s brand is a promise you make to customers and prospects about your product or service and your company. Your image lives in your organization’s ordinary communications with its possibilities and clients, including the pictures you share, the messages you post on your site, the substance of your showcasing materials, your introductions and stalls at gatherings, and your posts via web-based media.

Brand identity and branding are not the same

Branding is the process of developing, among other things, a brand name and a custom logo design for a company, product, or service. But branding is not just about tangible concepts like a company’s name and logo. It’s also about a company’s reputation, the way a company’s products and services are advertised, and a company’s values.

Branding is not just for companies and organizations.

Personal brands (the way a person builds their reputation) have become very popular. And influencers have grown in power and following, especially on social media. Naturally, many of them invest their energy, money, and time into building a strong brand identity for their brands.

Even countries have embraced branding and are trying to create a compelling brand identity to attract tourists and immigrants. Some have invested millions of dollars in developing a modern and unique brand identity.

When designing a brand identity, how do you choose the appropriate branding elements?

Here are six things to consider in your branding process when selecting brand elements for your business or organization to create a brand identity:

Memorability – The brand components you pick ought to be important and command notice so clients will recall and remember them.

Meaningfulness – The elements you choose must convey your brand identity in a meaningful way. Brand identity elements should give consumers information about your brand, service, or product line that promotes its positioning and image.

Likeability – Does the customer find the brand identity element appealing? Is it likable, appealing, and entertaining? You want elements that leave a positive impression.

Transferability – Does the component work across market portions and media (business cards, web-based media illustrations, site, and so on)? Does it translate well across geographies and languages? Avoid brand identity elements that are limited to a specific medium (e.g., mobile or print) or that do not translate well to your customers’ languages and cultures.

Adaptability – Adaptability is about flexibility and longevity. Choose brand identity elements that can withstand the test of time and the fickleness of trends and tastes. Always be prepared to change things up when necessary.

Protectability – Regardless of your pick, if you can not secure it legitimately and seriously, you have an issue before you even begin. It’s costly to revise your brand identity later – now is the time to get it right. Do your due diligence early and avoid legal and trademark problems down the road.


A strong brand identity can make the difference between your business succeeding beyond your wildest dreams and failing miserably. The good news is that whether you succeed or fail is in your hands. Are you ready to get started?