Why Flutter

More than 2 million developers have used the toolkit since Flutter was released in 2018, according to Tim Sneath, product manager of Flutter, who made the announcement last year. In addition, according to the spring update, the development of both consumer and commercial apps has increased. 

In this article, we’ll introduce this developer-friendly app development language. But first, let’s define Flutter and its advantages and disadvantages. 

What is Flutter?

Building apps costs money when Objective C/Swift and Java/Kotlin are the main languages used for mobile development. In addition, you needed to create two distinct apps, which required doing the job twice. 

To address this issue, several frameworks have been developed to develop hybrid (or cross-platform) apps in HTML5 and Javascript. For example, the Flutter framework has rapidly gained popularity among developers, businesses, entrepreneurs, and users among cross-platform toolkits like Phonegap, Xamarin, React Native, and others. 

Flutter is a portable UI toolkit for creating native-like apps for mobile, web, and desktop using a single codebase. It integrates Material Design and Cupertino widgets and uses the Dart programming language. So even though you just have one codebase, it functions normally on all platforms. 

The only framework with a mobile SDK that offers a responsive design without a Javascript bridge is Flutter, which achieves a speed comparable to that of its cousin and main competition, Reacts Native. Furthermore, the many platforms, such as Google Fuchsia apps, Linux, Windows, Android, and iOS, are easily integrated. 

Why is it important? 

A widget-based technology is called Flutter. This implies that every element can benefit from object-oriented programming. One of its advantages is the simplicity with which widgets can be changed or customized when utilizing Flutter. Additionally, it offers UI widgets that adhere to important web application design standards. 

Since its debut, the open-source framework Flutter has acquired a sizable and engaged developer community. This community continuously disseminates helpful code samples and aids programmers in making fresh, creative, stunning cross-platform applications. 

Features of Flutter 

Hot reload 

With a hot reload, it is possible to observe changes to the code immediately reflected in the user interface. This expedites the process of working on the application’s outlook and enables developers to fix problems, saving money and time. 

Cross-Platform Development

Developers may write code that runs on various platforms thanks to Flutter. Two separate applications can use the identical codebase. Maintaining a single codebase is simpler than maintaining several codebases for various platforms. 

Widget library

In Flutter, a widget is the definition of everything. A menu, padding, or color are examples of widgets. Complex widgets can be made by Flutter and then adjusted to meet the application’s needs. There are also accessible built-in widgets for use. The Cupertino bundle and Material Design are two examples of widget bundles that provide a seamless user experience. 

Native Performance

For Google Fuchsia, Android, and iOS, Flutter offers platform-specific widgets. The many platform-dependent functionalities can be accessed by integrating these widgets into the Flutter application. In addition, existing Java, Swift, and Objective-C scripts can be utilized to take advantage of native capabilities like the camera and location. As a result, third-party connectors and APIs are simple to implement using Flutter. 

Pros and cons of developing apps with Flutter 

Each programming language has pros and cons. However, we can generally agree that, when compared to competing technologies, Flutter’s benefits outweigh its drawbacks. 

Pros of developing apps with Flutter

Over its rivals, Flutter has many benefits. These benefits are built into the programming language and the collection of development tools, enabling Flutter to address problems that other languages cannot handle. 

All platforms have the same codebase

Creating different code bases for Android and iOS mobile devices is no longer necessary. Because of Flutter’s code reuse capabilities, you can create just one codebase and utilize it across several platforms, including the web, desktop, Android, and iOS. This eliminates expenses, speeds up software deployment, and significantly cuts down on development time. 

‍”It’s All Widgets” philosophy opens up a world of opportunities 

Flutter’s custom widgets are a true treat when designing stunning aesthetics for your app. In addition, you don’t need to worry about the UI on many devices simultaneously. 

Immense libraries

Flutter uses the Skia Graphics Toolkit, an effective and well-known open-source graphics library. In addition, the user interface is updated whenever a view is modified. The result is a quick and seamless app experience. 

Hot reload testing is done quickly 

The ability to instantly reload an app accelerates development significantly. With Flutter, you don’t need to restart the application to see any code changes you make. As a result, you have more chances to experiment with the code and fix bugs because your software is simple to alter in real time. 

Cons of developing apps with Flutter 

There are some flaws in the technology solution known as Flutter. Although Flutter has some minor disadvantages, there are a few reasons why it might not be the perfect toolkit for a specific app. 

The widgets’ large file size is to blame 

Flutter apps are initially fairly “heavy” and huge. They take a long time to download or update and take up a lot of space. 

Complicated update 

Flutter modules must be updated to reflect changes in operating system programming requirements. In addition, because the modules are integrated as fixed elements in the application, the program must also be recompiled and installed on the devices. 

Only a small selection of libraries and tools 

Because Flutter is a relatively young programming framework, there may occasionally be situations when the essential functionalities are missing from the present library. Flutter will also take time to build its community, offer functionality, and develop specialized tools. 

Future of Flutter 

To build a native application across mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase, professional development teams, individual developers, small enterprises, and startups are now working differently, thanks to Flutter. A recent study found that Flutter has a market share of 42% and is the most popular option for creating cross-platform applications. More than 500,000 developers use Flutter each month, claims Google. 

  1. Flutter developers benefit from having a single code base because they just need to create the code once to run correctly on Android and iOS. As a result, development time and expenses are cut.
  2. Google not only developed Flutter, but it is also open-source. Flutter has a sizable user base, making finding solutions to your issues simple and promoting rapid development.
  3. The Dart programming language, which is used by Flutter and has many additional advantages, is simple to learn and comprehend.
  4. The hot reload functionality, which enables both developers and designers to view the changes immediately as and when they are made, is one of the main USPs of Flutter.
  5. Because Dart compiles into native code, Flutter apps behave similarly to native apps.


In conclusion, Flutter is more suited for startups searching for quick and simple solutions than for more complicated digital ones. But given the speed at which Flutter is developing, we can anticipate that it will soon outgrow its shortcomings and overtake all other application development frameworks to take the top spot.