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We try to incorporate the elements of social sentiments with the Brand name. We take into account the idea that the Business is trying to promote. The values, ethics, services and the related activities are the core point that makes a Brand distinct and differential from the rest in competition. To carve that for a powerful impact in the eyes of the people takes an artistic and subtle mind to make the job look effortless yet vibrantly attractive. From designing the logo to business cards and emails, everything sets an impression about what a Business is all about. Therefore, it is investable that one takes it as a priority.

Logo Design

A logo is the first impression that Brand forms. It is how you will be known. It is a symbol that will make the Business stand out from the rest of the competitors. A Logo is a mark of expression which leaves an endearing effect on the people with the idea that the business is trying to promote. Every Business runs on a thought process. The Logo gives shape to the thought that the Business lives by, which can spark interests, leave a mark in the heart and create frenzy soon.


The whole idea of Brand Identity is to build a fan following, those loyal customers that keep coming back for more. Every Brand runs on a tagline, and this is all that makes the difference! One can call it clever advertising but when we join a social message, a want and a perspective with a Brand, that creates a significant place for the Business to bloom.

We create Logos that have vibrant colours, suit the demographics of the audience that the Brand is focused and exude powerful meaning that would ignite and challenge the medium that the Business is about to enter. To stay in the mainstream, one needs to challenge the existing norms to create a new one. Brand Identity is the initial step and Logo is the face of the Brand! It is an identity card that is a symbol of Brand's existence.


Brochure Design

A vision has no boundary! Similarly, when creating Brochure Designs, one can add as much creativity as one would like. The key here is not to go off track and stick to the demographics. The audience that the Business is trying to keep in focus, the Design of the Brochure should adhere to it. To comprehend this further, if the audience is young and the Brand is catering to the needs of the youth then, the Brochure should be able to depict the similar thought process.


Business Card Designs

Image matters! The time, place and that one right client, can change the scenario altogether and if you miss the opportunity, then the game is lost. When you socialise, meet new people, attend seminars, get around promoting Business, you will require a Business card. It is necessary to have an official Business Card that one can share as and when the opportunity strikes. Nobody has the time to note down numbers. A Company without a Business Card is a big no-no!

We create Business Cards that are meticulously framed with logo intact, contact information and right font with attractive colours to set the right impression. Your Business will not be the only one in the field, that you are in and the thing that will make you stand out is the way your project your Brand. Our team of Designers work with trendy templates and inspirational Designs that will create a Card that will suit the genre of the Business and gel with the idea of the Business Entity that you hold.

The element of creativity becomes the game changer! The best way is to keep the Card simple. As they say that “too many cooks spoil the broth” similarly, too many elements will give a chaotic impression of your Brand. The Business Card Design always has to be professional, to the point and easy to read. Irrespective of the demographics, the design of the Business Card should be such that it emanates the idea of the Brand.


Advertisement Ads Design

Do not bore your audience by following the run of the mill kind of advertisements! What makes you unique? How do you stand out? What more can you give? That’s how we do it! Our approach for creating Advertisements and campaigns is always to start with the basic and shine your prospects for the people to get interested. It is essential that the advertisement speaks well of the products that the Business sells or the services offered.

We create Ad Designs that will urge the client to buy the services. It will be like that extra drizzle of chocolate on the fudge that becomes irresistibly tempting. The purpose of the Brand is to create that jazz so that the music resonates in the mind of the people. The design, the template, colour choice, the language which can connect with the audience well is how we at Codedev, create advertisements. The slick language, that spice of urban slang, the hint of colloquialism and clever metaphors; all enhance the beauty of the campaign.

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F-250, Phase 8B,
Industrial Area Mohali

+91 977-9816-382
+91 991-4638-106

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